Red Flags to Not Take Your Next Job
After a long time, it can be easy to jump into your next job as soon as you get the offer, The average job hunt takes a while. Most industry experts say three months, but I find that difficult to believe. I once was in a job search rut for two years. The point is, it doesn't matter how long to look just that how you are looking is worthwhile and wholesome. It's a long time to have your mind focused on how to land the interview, prepare, and make the best impression to get hired. Many job seekers are found to overlook red flags that they may not be entering the greatest place to work.
It is important for folks to slow down and realize that it is a two-way interview. They are selling you the job just as much as you are selling yourself. it HAS to be a good fit for both. Here are a couple of clues about the job, company culture, and leadership that you should look out for:
Attitude and Appearance
You may be nervous, but take a moment to look around and observer your surroundings. What you see may tell you a lot about the company and the people that work there. The second you walk through the door, it starts with the receptionist. Are people working there friendly, do they engage with you, say hello, or make eye contact? People who are happy at work are more often to do these things, as they are generally curious about and friendly to newcomers in the office.
Also, take note of the working space. It doesn't have to be prime marble coated everything, but do you get a sense that people have pride in their workplace? Are there paintings or photos on the wall? Are things tidy or a mess? Do people have personal items and knick-knacks on their desks and offices? Is it Inviting?
I believe an office is like a second home, you spend a lot of time there. If you don't notice these thing in an office, make sure that is absolutely a place you want to work.
Lack of Preparation
When you sit down with the interviewer, do you have a sense that they know who you are? Did they do their homework as much as you? If not, they may not be taking the job search as seriously as you are, or it may be a sign that the company has a lot of turnover and doesn't invest much time in replacing people.
The ideal interviewer should be very familiar with the job you are interviewing for and have a basic familiarity with your background.
Hypothetical and Situational Questions
Listen for hypothetical or situational questions. If an employer asks, "How would you handle this situation?" or "How do you react to this..?" it means you will for sure run into those situations. If you can handle that type of disorder, all the more power to you, but make sure it's a fit for you.
A Quest for Elusive Change
If your interviewer talks about how the company is ready for change at a company, get ready to ask some questions. Get more information on what needs to be changed, how long things have been the way they are, and most importantly, how ready they are to change it.
Time and time again I have heard about people excited to be the person to bring change to company only to be let down when management tells them they aren't ready for it. So make sure it isn't just an idea that they are floating around and that they have concrete steps on how they will be accomplishing changes.
Improper Questions
There are a number of questions that interviewers are not allowed to ask by law. Are you married? Do you have kids? How old are you? What religious holidays do you celebrate? and a few more. If employers are unaware of basic employment law, then that could be a big indicator they are lax in other areas too.
If you have been asked any of these questions, you have every right to get up and leave the interview that second.
Comfort Questions
If an interviewer asks about your comfort level with certain factors, take note. "Do you think you will be comfortable here because..." is a GINORMOUS red flag. Such types of questions may reflect a flaw, or a lack of diversity, or issues that have been problems for the company in the past.
By keeping an eye out for red flags, you can keep focused on finding a job that will be a good fit for you and keep you out of unpleasant surprises.
Readers, have you ever run into any of these situations? What happened?